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In honor of human trafficking awareness month here are some ways that you can make an impact in the fight to end trafficking.

  1. Be informed-
    1. Complete a short training provided by the US Department of State for human trafficking red flags.
    2. Create a Google alert for updates on sex trafficking news.
    3. Refrain from goods and companies that support slavery. (Take the “how many slaves do you have” test at
    4. Support companies that actively eliminate slavery. (There is a great app called GoodGuide you can scan products in store to get information on their ethical standing.)
  2. Be aware-
    1. If you observe red flags ask follow up questions or make more observations
    2. Report red flags to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 (24/7)
  3. Be generous-
    1. Support an organization like Wipe Every Tear where 100% of the proceeds go directly to the lively hood and education of a trafficked girl.
    2. Support a worker in the fight against trafficking with gifts, kind words or following their endeavors:-)
  4. Be brave-
    1. Take a trip with an anti trafficking organization where you can see the plight first hand. (For information about trips with Wipe Every Tear email [email protected] there are trips to Thailand and the Philippines coming up.)
    2. Talk to your friends and acquaintances about what you’ve experienced and learned.
    3. Start an organization to end trafficking or support victims.
  5. Be blessed-
    1. A small effort does make a difference to someone who is trafficked, just ask some one who has been trafficked.
    2. Taking an active role in the plight of a fellow human will enrich your life in ways you can not anticipate.

My hope is that you will find a freedom in pursing freedom for another.

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