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The success of the Girl's Getaway vacation is still soaring to new heights. More women from the trip are moving into our safe houses and telling their friends to come with them. The capacity of our group has over doubled in a week! Where it once took a year to gain trust, there is immediate response.

Trust has always been a concern. The promises that our Wipe Every Tear team makes are very similar to the promises that pimps, bar owners and customers make. Promises to pay for school, family needs, vacations and respectable jobs.

Some of the friends we invited to the Girls Getaway told us that their coworkers and managers warned them against our vacation. They were told that our team was just going to sell them off as slaves or even murder them! Some concern is certainly warranted but, these brave friends decided to listen to their instinct that we were trustworthy.

Now, these same women warned against our team are starting school this week. Studying business, computers, education and some even high school. They have uniforms, new shoes, notebooks, pens and text books. Most of all they have a family who just adores the crap out of them and are committed to their complete restoration and healing.

There is a fire in my heart that keeps repeating whatever it takes to see my sisters restored. It's a fire that doesn't come from determination but, faith that Jesus will do the work. There is no way I could have invited one person to this Girls Getaway if I didn't fully believe that it was really Jesus' Getaway and that He would provide healing for everyone including myself.

My testimony for many things in life has been that Jesus has made it easy. This Getaway was no different. His yoke was easy and His burden light. By simply eating a meal together decisions were made to change lives. By simply dancing together close friendships were formed. By simply telling my personal testimony, lies of shame were overcome. I'm just a girl who made friends and has seen 16 girls rescued from human trafficking this week.


One response to “New Heights of Success”

  1. Melissa,

    “Jesus”, is what came out of my mouth after reading your post. I am so proud to serve alongside of you. Without you three LTM’rs, we wouldn’t have had that constant presence prior to the Getaway.

    You were willing to dance, worship, and be lead by Jesus in the City of Angels, and I believe they were doing the same.

    Thank you for your obedience.